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README file from "XandSysPerf" directory

                 ~4Dgifts/toolbox/src/swtools/perf README

     files pertinent to X and system perfomance issues are collected here:

  GoodXProtocolExample.txt:  X protocol usage summary for start up of xcalc,
                         as a good example of quantity of requests to start
                         up a reasonably well-behaved X client.

  UsingXscope.txt:       describes how to optimize X Window System Clients
                         using xscope, an X protocol trace gatherer.

  Xperformance.txt:      hit-list of X performance issues to be mindful of.

  Xscope.text:           outlines performance aspects of the X protocol,
                         using xscope for X protocol tracing, and the basics
                         of X protocol anaylsis.         minimalist showcase slides demonstrating the 
			 benefit of timex, par (process activity reporter) 
			 and padc (process activity data collector) as a 
			 means of examining where the costs of process 
			 execution lie on a system-wide level.
        Note on PAR(1):  use par to see system calls.  One way to run it is:

                            par -si -SS <process name>


                            par -si -SS -P pid

                         The first one slows the task down but reports most 
                         or all of the system calls.  For the second one you 
                         don't have to be root and it doesn't slow the process
                         down but it seems to drop a lot of system calls.

  xprotostats:           an xscope protocol trace groaker script.

Files of interest from "src/swtools/XandSysPerf" directory


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